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CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Paper 4 15 November 2005 CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Title: A Review of the work of the Visitor Services and Recreation Group Prepared by: Fran Pothecary - Outdoor Access Officer Purpose: To brief the Forum on other areas of work being undertaken by the Visitor Services and Recreation Group SOAC Promotion and Awareness Raising • 5 days of training for land managers under Land Based Business Training Project • Input into other events e.g. Tourism Seminar; Chamber of Commerce meetings; Ranger Gatherings; Paths for All Community Support Project and local and community interest groups • Mail shot with copy of Code and leaflets to 700 accommodation providers in Park • Commissioning of display banners for use at training days, events, shows etc • Development of educational material aimed at visitors and recreational users in progress Integrated Grants Programme • IGP launched by CNPA in August 2005 to run until March 2007 • Outdoor Access and Interpretation comprise two different strands (six in total) • 90% funding available for the creation, maintenance or upgrading of access infrastructure; feasibility studies and path surveys and events that promotes responsible management or use of outdoor access • Small grants up to £5,000, and Medium Grants up to £20,000 (in conjunction with Leader +) are available • Applications can be received from any body that is governed by an elected committee and operating under a written constitution • The followings are examples of applications received or in the pipeline: upgrading community path in Braemar; Dava Way upgrade; case study regarding information about countryside accessibility for all -abilities; path network in Carrbridge; monitor for the RSPB Osprey Watch. Strategic routes • Aviemore to Glenmore Off-Road route – working with partners to develop and implement the final section of this route • Deeside Way – working with Aberdeenshire Council to develop a package of support funding for the development; construction and marketing of the Deeside Way from Aberdeen to Ballater with current emphasis on the Aboyne to Dinnet stretch • Speyside Way Extension to Newtonmore – see Paper 2 • River Spey project – working with partners to develop the concept of the Spey as a ‘long distance route’; improving access infrastructure and information; supporting regular user and land manager meetings • Partners in the above initiatives include private estates and land owners; SNH; Sportscotland, local authorities; enterprise companies; Forestry Commission Scotland; user groups and National Governing Bodies; local communities (not all for each project) Planning Applications • Assessing fortnightly CNPA planning lists for issues pertaining to impact on outdoor access; visitor management; recreational amenity • Assisting Planning and Development Control group formulate their responses to planning applications by providing relevant outdoor access and recreation information and comment Upper Deeside Access Trust • Under the ECAP project £2.4 million spend on high quality access improvements within mountains and glens of Upper Deeside and Angus Glens • Aim to improve access opportunities and understanding of natural heritage and help support local tourism and jobs • Activities managed by Angus Council in Angus Glens and Upper Deeside Access Project in Deeside area • CNPA together with partners propose to provide interim funding to UDAT for 2006-07 to enable completion of projects Information about Visitors • Visitor Survey 2002/03: 2500 visitors questioned. Results in summary booklet. • STEAM Report estimating annual visitor numbers at 1.4 million. • Support for Masters Theses on the “Motivations of Mountain Bikers” and “Visitors’ willingness to pay for car parking in countryside areas of the National Park”. Future work • Repeat Visitor Survey 2007/08 • Repeat STEAM Report • Support other relevant surveys ‘Sense of Place’ (Letting people know they are in a special place called the Cairngorms) • 10 Interim Point of Entry Markers on ‘major roads’. • Point of Entry Markers at 5 Railway Stations. • Permanent TIC displays linked to Park Brand and Special Qualities. Future work • Permanent Point of Entry Markers at 25 sites + information and interpretation where effective. • Pre-arrival signage to the Cairngorms • Park Branded info. in Ranger Bases • Park Branded info. in communities Information and Interpretation • Enquires: regular responses to visitor enquires • Publications Visitor Guide with Visit Scotland ‘Landmark Bedroom Folder’ Insert Cairngorms National Park Leaflet Cairngorms Countryside Events with Ranger Services Cairngorms Explorer Transport Timetable Cairngorms Walking Festivals • Support for Others Publications Park i and Scotways Hill Tracks • Websites CNPA Website Support for Cairngorm Chamber of Commerce Site • John Muir Award Informing over 600 young people in 2005 about the (with others) special qualities of the National Park. • Support for others’ Interpretation Speyside Way Visitor Centre Angus Glens Ranger Base Integrated Grant Scheme Future Work • Development of Visitor element of CNPA Website • Publications on Traditional Place Names & Responsible Access • More John Muir Awards • More Grants Ranger Services • 13 Ranger Services in the Park – role in providing a welcome for visitors to the countryside and promoting understanding and responsible enjoyment of the area • CNPA committed to developing and delivering a co-ordinated and effective approach to ranger services across the Park. • Peter Scott Planning Services has been commissioned by CNPA to look at the options for achieving this. Information for Tourism Providers • ViSIT Forum • Summary Booklet of Strategy for Sustainable Tourism & Visitor Survey • Cairngorms Connections Training with Tourist Board Training • Tourism Conference 2005 Future Work • ViSIT Forum • Results of Working Together Workshop at this Conference? • Tourism Conference 2006? Priorities for Future Work • More information designed to positively influence visitor behaviour • A greater sense of place – Park wide • Emphasis on interpreting the special qualities of the Cairngorms • A greater presence ‘on the ground’ Fran Pothecary- Outdoor Access Officer 4 November 2005